Stress Test

Heart & Vascular Institute
Interventional Cardiovascular Specialists serving Michigan
When it comes to heart health and disease, an accurate diagnosis is essential for getting the most effective treatment. A stress test assesses how well your heart works during physical exertion and can make it easier to diagnose heart conditions. Heart & Vascular Institute is a full-service cardiology practice that offers many advanced diagnostic tests to assess heart health and diagnose cardiac conditions, including many types of stress tests. To learn more about the stress test, call the office in Wayne, Dearborn, Detroit, Allen Park, or Southfield, Michigan, or book an appointment online today.
Stress Test Q & A
What is a stress test?
A stress test is a diagnostic test that assesses the health and function of your heart during physical exertion. The test also makes it easier to diagnose heart conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart valve disease, or congestive heart failure.
The cardiology team at Heart & Vascular Institute may recommend a stress test if you’re experiencing cardiac symptoms, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, heart palpitations, or an irregular heartbeat.
What are the types of stress tests?
Heart & Vascular Institute is dedicated to providing high-quality cardiac care and utilizes state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to identify the underlying cause of your cardiac symptoms, including many types of stress tests.
The types of stress tests offered include:
Exercise stress test
During your exercise stress test, your cardiologist uses an electrocardiogram to assess cardiac activity while you exercise. During the test, you walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike, starting slowly and then gradually increasing the intensity of your workout until your heart reaches a set target rate or when you experience chest pain.
Nuclear stress test
The nuclear stress test assesses the flow of blood through your heart. During the test, your cardiologist injects a safe amount of radioactive dye into your body and then uses a special camera to capture images of your heart and blood flow while at rest.
After your scan, your cardiologist conducts an exercise stress test and injects more radioactive dye when your heart is at the target rate. You stop exercising and wait for your heart to absorb the dye, and then resume your exercise while your cardiologist takes more pictures of your heart during exertion.
Non-exercise nuclear stress test
If you’re unable to exercise, the cardiologists at Heart & Vascular Institute may recommend a non-exercise nuclear stress test. This test is similar to the nuclear stress test, but your cardiologist uses medication to raise your heart rate.
Echocardiogram stress test
The echocardiogram stress test is similar to the exercise stress test. However, your cardiologist uses ultrasound imaging to assess heart health and function before and after your exercise test.
How do I know what type of stress test I need?
The team at Heart & Vascular Institute determines the type of stress test that is best suited for you based on the detailed information they gather from you during your evaluation, including your cardiac symptoms, medical history, and physical abilities.
The team may initially conduct an exercise stress test and then recommend a nuclear or echocardiogram stress test to confirm a suspected diagnosis.
For comprehensive cardiology care, call Heart & Vascular Institute or request an appointment online today.
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