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Lesser Known Signs of Heart Attacks in Women

Lesser Known Signs of Heart Attacks in Women

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people in most racial and ethnic groups. However, when a woman has a heart attack, the symptoms aren’t always the classic symptoms you might expect. 

The patients at Heart & Vascular Institute, with five Michigan locations, are representative of people who have heart disease — that is, they’re men and women of different races and ethnic groups. 

Our providers work to make sure women are aware of how their symptoms could be different than a man’s during a heart attack

The most common symptom

For men and women, the most common symptom of a heart attack is chest pain or discomfort. However, women are more likely to describe pressure as if a rope was tied around them. The pressure may be constant or last a few minutes, go away, and come back. 

Other symptoms

Along with the feeling of pressure or squeezing, women may also have symptoms that aren’t typically associated with a heart attack, such as: 


Suddenly feeling lightheaded or short of breath for no apparent reason could be a symptom of a heart attack. For example, you’re sitting on the sofa, watching TV, but feel like you just ran a mile. Or you’re having dinner and feel fine, then suddenly feel like the room is spinning. 

Upset stomach

Women sometimes describe a sensation similar to heartburn or stomach flu during a heart attack. Another potential symptom is severe abdominal pressure, as if something heavy is pressing on your stomach. 

Feeling tired or weak

If you’re resting but suddenly feel extremely tired, that could signal a heart attack. For example, you may feel unable to do even a simple thing, like walk across the room. 

Pain outside the chest

Although chest pain is the most common symptom, women are more likely to feel pain in their arms, back, neck, or jaw. The pain may happen suddenly or gradually and can come and go. 

Anytime you have unexplained pain, especially above the waist, it’s worth having a conversation with your doctor. 


A sudden cold sweat is a common symptom of a heart attack in women. It’s often described as a sweat you feel when you’re nervous rather than exercising. 

Get help fast! 

If you experience any of these symptoms, especially a combination, get help immediately. Call 911 and don’t drive yourself to the hospital. The responding EMTs know what to do and can get you to the hospital fast. 

If you’d like to discuss your heart attack risk and learn more about symptoms to watch for, schedule an appointment by phone or online at the Heart & Vascular Institute office near you. 


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